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Advisory Council

During 2019 CEWA undertook a process of becoming an Incorporated entity.


Catholic Education Western Australia Limited (CEWA Ltd) commenced operating under its new legal governance structure on 1 January 2020. Consequently, all diocesan schools, including PCPS, are now part of CEWA Ltd.


The Catholic Education Commission of WA (CECWA) is the board of CEWA Ltd and has responsibility for governing Catholic education in WA and for ensuring its financial sustainability.
The PCPS Board, as it was known for many years, is now known and referred to as the PCPS Advisory Council to reflect CEWA Ltd.’s new governance structure.


The existing CECWA Catholic School Board Constitution is currently under review by CECWA to ensure appropriateness and consistency with CEWA Ltd.’s new governance structure. It is due to be implemented in 2022.


Catholic School Board Constitution


Catholic School Advisory Council


Chairperson: Susan Kadak


Vice Chairperson: Casey Gallagher

Principal: Margaret Williamson


Assistant Principal: Peter O'Mara & Mac Callisto


Treasurer: Haydn Hesford


Secretary: Dan Sorgiovanni


Parish Priest: Fr. Cyprian M Shikokoti

Parish Rep: Severine Gibson

P&F Rep: Liz De Hass


@2019 Padbury Catholic Primary School

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