Keeping Safe Curriculum
All classes at Padbury Catholic engage in the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) program. KS:CPC is a world class, evidence-based child safety curriculum that teaches children and young people to recognise abuse, tell a trusted adult, understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching and ways of keeping themselves safe.
The KS:CPC is delivered to students by educators that have completed a comprehensive training course. The KS:CPC has gained a world class reputation due to its depth of content, breadth of learning, contemporary nature, and requirements for explicit training.
The KS:CPC helps children and young people:
recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult
understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching
understand ways to keep themselves safe.
Themes The curriculum is based on two main themes:
We all have the right to be safe.
We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust.
Focus Areas The themes are presented through four Focus Areas:
1. The right to be safe
2. Relationships
3. Recognising and reporting
4. Protective strategies
Concept Summaries for Each Age group are below: