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All queries regarding the school fees are to be made to: Prelean Bismark, (Finance Manager) on 9404 4014.

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Pre-Kindy Fees

The Pre Kindy program is completely self-funded as there are no government benefits that are available to support a Pre-Kindy Program, hence,  no discounts, Health Care Card nor sibling discounts are applicable. Pre-Kindy fees are $73.85 per day. When there is a Pupil Free day or public holiday falling on the Pre-Kindy Day, there will be no charge. Families will be invoiced at the start of the year for Terms 1 - 4. When the opportunity for extra sessions to commence, families will be invoiced as they commence the extra sessions during the year. 10 weeks’ notice will be required if you are withdrawing your child from this program and fees will be applicable for this period.


Payment of Accounts

Annual School Fee Statements are emailed to all families during February each year. Please check your emails for an email from PCPS Accounts.


A Payment Option Form is attached with the Fee Statement. This from needs to be completed and returned to the school with your preferred payment option details completed.


Payment arrangements carried over from last year are not automatically adjusted to allow for any increase / decrease in fees. It is a school requirement to complete the payment option form to ensure the correct number of instalments, at the correct payment amount, are being made.


Payment should be made by the due dates according to one of the following methods:

1.Payment of the account in full by cash or cheque.

2.Payment by BPay. Use the School Biller Code and your Individual Family Reference which is located on the bottom left of your statement.

3.Payment by Direct Debit payments through your savings or cheque account.

4.Pay by EFTPOS machine - Credit Card or Savings Account.

5.Pay by phone from your credit card to the school office on 9404 4000.


Student Insurance

All students are covered through the CEWA preferred provider insurance program which provides 24-hour policy protection to all children at Padbury Catholic Primary School.


Health Care Card Tuition Fee Discount Scheme

If you are a holder of a means tested Health Care Card, or Pensioner Concession Card -Parenting Payment Single allowance, you are entitled to a discount on the Tuition Fees. It is important to note that the card must be in the name of the person responsible for the payment of the fees. If there is joint responsibility for payment of the fees, the discounted rate applies only to the eligible card holder. Families eligible for Health Care Card Discount Scheme need to present their card to the office and complete a form by end of March each year.

Discount through this scheme is given on tuition only and does not cover additional charges, such as excursions, resources, camp, insurance, graduation shirts, swimming lessons, IT devices, etc.


Financial Hardship

Families who are experiencing financial hardship are asked to make an appointment to discuss school fees with the Finance Manager, Mrs Prelean Bismark on 9404 4014 or email



Parents are to provide a full terms notice in writing before withdrawing a student otherwise a terms fees are payable.


Overdue Fees

Where no arrangements have been made with the Principal or the Finance Manager, the School, with notice, may seek recovery through its Debt Collection Agency. Parents/guardians will be liable for any legal costs and commissions incurred through recovery of the debt. Please note: School Fees are jointly and separately payable by parents (both parents are responsible for school fees unless there are custody orders that indicate otherwise).



@2019 Padbury Catholic Primary School

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